
  • Frame: Understand the positional advantages to developing a longer-term view
  • Filter: Understand the social and economic conditions that can pose a threat to your choice, and those that boost you
  • Focus: Determine you optimal direction
  • Better informed: Create a list of signals that you will watch that indicate you should pivot – these give you situational advantage
  • Better prepared: Know where your emergency exits are before lift-off (Option B, C and …. X)
  • Jump: Choose one. Understand the science of decision.
  • Create a timeplan, tasklist that you can work on today to move you in the direction of your goal
  • Rinse/Repeat: Deploy, Review, Revise. Deploy, Review, Revise.

Skills developed:

  • Strategy – reading signs & signals
  • Critical thinking & Complex decision making
  • Communication & Collaboration
  • Cyclical re-evaluation

Typical Audience: GenZ, Millennials transitioning into business, Parents, School groups, Scouts & Guides, Religious groups, Athletic programs, Gap Year programs, Adults in transition

It is a great concept and fits well with the philosophy we are trying to impart.

Jay, DiscoverYear


  • Define stability and define change
  • Understand that transition is between two periods of relative stability
  • Learn “bridging” – how to create coping strategies for maneuvering this interim phase effectively and be able to rebound faster (understand resilience)
  • Learn to trust in your foundational skills, which you can use at all stages of life’s transitions

Skills developed:

  • Coping strategies
  • Critical decision making
  • Self-confidence and self-reliance
  • Framework of consistent habits as launch points

Audience: GenZ, Millennials transitioning out of academia, Parents, Education & School groups, Scouts & Guides, Religious groups, Athletic programs, Gap Year programs, Adults in transition, Corporations in transition

You set up the thinking-about-change process really well.

SS Union Gas


Earning their Wings

6 strategies to use within the home to prepare your teen for university:

  • Situational advantage: Create fictitious situations to discuss the various strategies that a teen would use to address an uncomfortable situation – drunkenness, drugs, sexual assault
  • Tactical advantage: Can they do laundry, manage a doctor’s visit, self-advocate in an academic meeting, cook a meal.
  • Give them responsibilities and watch them stretch and achieve.

Audience: GenZ parents of high school students


Planning for Admissions Essays

  • Understand the strategy behind a robust university application.
  • Spread the load – extra-curricular, references, campus tours, leadership opportunities can all be gathered throughout your high school journey.
  • Do your career research – how to use LinkedIn, networks and other tools
  • Discover how to gain confidence and a situational advantage by planning ahead.

Audience: High School GenZ and GenZ parents, careers class

Contact us if you are interested in learning more.